Occasionally Aaron is able to find old mine car wheels in the gob piles that come into his work. Gob is coal that has been rejected and deemed unusable. Big gob piles can be found all throughout WV and they are far from attractive. Aaron's plant is able to take the gob and process it again for electricity. It burns clean and what is left over is a very fine dust or ash. His plant is considered a recycling plant since it uses reject coal. The primary benefit of this clean up effort is that WV streams that where once considered dead or void of life because of run off from the gob piles now have fresh water trout, small mouth bass, and other species of fish thriving in them. The secondary benefit is that the unsightly piles of gob are slowly disappearing from WV.
The second wheel has curved spokes which suggests it is a bit older although I am not certain of the date. This one is also not complete but it still looks beautiful sitting in my money plant.
I have been trying to research mine car wheels to make sure my information matches but I have been unable to find anything. If anyone knows anything about these wheels I'd love to hear what you have to say.