My tulips and hyacinth haven't begun popping up yet, which is a first. Its been cold enough this year that my spring bulbs did not start popping up in November. But my herbs are starting to wake up. Little shoots of chives and delicate chamomile and strawberry leaves have already begun to show themselves. I do not worry about them because they have been through four years and they are well rooted.
For now, I will enjoy the snow a little longer knowing that the promises of spring are under a white blanket and just a month away.
My sleepy little house
My spring bulb bed, with the flower remains of last summer.
A sundial that is resting its face
An herb bed that promises herbal teas this summer
My dancing fairy that frolics around covered phlox
My sleeping woods
lovely snowy pictures~your house looks settled in its surroundings!
my old church~i am sure you would love it there it has a very special feel to it.
Daffs are 3 inches tall??!!?? This is the first year I don't have daffs pushing thru the soil...strange. Mom's azalea bloomed in Nov, the forsythia too, and primrose of course, but not a daff thru the soil. Mom's snow drops are coming up tho, giving me hope that soon, I'll have the flowers again. I should rejoice in this quiet time of year, knowing that the colors that burst forth will be worth the wait. Consider the wild columbine saved.
Love to all,
Aunt Julie
I need to pick myself up some snowdrops as well. I love the way they look, especially when they are covered in snow.
Thanks Aunt Julie
laoi gaul - I know I would love to walk around that church yard and to see the Yew in person - wow!
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